What Broadening Market Performance Means for Investors

The stock market has continued its historic rally with the S&P 500 gaining 19% year-to-date with reinvested dividends, contributing to a total return of 61% since the market bottom in 2022. While much of this performance has been driven by

After over a decade of historically low interest rates, higher cash yields are a welcome development. Interest rates are higher across all cash instruments including many savings accounts, certificates of deposit, and money market funds. The federal funds rate has

Can you believe a quarter of the century is in the history books? As Terry Pratchett said, “inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened.” What does this have to do with investing? Everything. The chart below

I’ve recently had several clients ask me to speak to their kids about money and investing.  Anticipating both limited time, and limited attention spans (on behalf of the kids, of course) I spent a lot of time thinking about how

Tim Corriero, J.D, CFP ®

Tim Corriero is an attorney, a Certified Financial Planner ® and founder of Juris Wealth, a financial advisory business for lawyers.

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